Disasters (floods)


Disasters (floods)

Rivers, streams and lakes in the district of Meißen are running out of water
Water abstraction from bodies of water for irrigation is strictly prohibited

The rivers, streams and lakes in the district of Meißen are running out of water. The lack of rain for weeks now has led to a visible drought situation. It is not only the plants and animals that are lacking water, the situation in the water bodies themselves is also dramatic.

The water flow in the surface waters is extremely low. The water balance of all surface waters in the district of Meißen is currently (as at 21 July 2022) in an extreme drought situation. In some cases, the water flow in the watercourses is below the limits that have been observed over the past 30 years, as the example of the Große Röder at the Kleinraschütz/Großenhain gauge on 21 July 2022 shows in a comparison of the past 30 years:

Current flow rate (21 July 2022) 350 l/s (decreasing trend)
Mean low water flow for the month of July (MNQJul) 495 l/s
Mean low water flow for the year (MNQ) 1,000 l/s
Average annual flow (MQ) 4,000 l/s

The data for the mean values are based on an evaluation of the years 1992-2021.

In some cases, water bodies have even dried up completely. In view of the weather forecasts, the situation is expected to deteriorate further.

On 16 August 2018, the general decree with strict restrictions on water abstraction from surface waters for irrigation purposes came into force in the district of Meißen. This is still in force and also applies in cases where a water abstraction licence has been issued by the competent water authority.

Violations constitute an administrative offence pursuant to Section 103 (1) No. 1 of the Federal Water Act (WHG). This administrative offence can be punished with a fine. The dramatic water balance situation has an impact on the amount of the fine. Specifically, the catalogue of environmental fines states: "...are punished with a fine of between 1,000 and 50,000 euros in individual cases due to the widespread undercutting of mean low water flows." This means that fines of at least 1,000 euros are levied for violations.

In order to protect the waters, controls against violations of this withdrawal restriction are now being intensified. Checks will also be carried out in the morning and evening hours. The Lower Water Authority is urging local residents to remove all water abstraction equipment (pumps, hoses, etc.) from the watercourses even when not in use. This is the only way to rule out a violation of the general ruling.

The Lower Water Authority also appeals to the population to use water resources particularly sparingly. The water situation is indeed dramatic. The groundwater level is also affected. Watering should be reduced to the bare minimum, even if the water used comes from groundwater or the public water supply. Irrigation is only effective when evaporation is low, in the morning and evening hours. In addition, great care must be taken when selecting the areas and crops to be irrigated. Watering lawns is a waste of water in the current situation.

Tips for optimising water use in the garden
Action guide for the prosecution of illegal water abstraction
Flyer general ruling for water users

Always warned in good time with the BIWAPP smartphone app, also via the Radebeul citizen app

BIWAPP is the free smartphone app for warning and informing the public. The latest information and disaster reports for your selected locations and the selected area are sent directly to your smartphone - with additional push notifications if required.

You can individually specify which topics you would like to be actively informed about (e.g. school cancellations, traffic accidents, fire, flooding, bomb disposal, general warnings, etc.).

The messages and disaster warnings are sent directly by the officially responsible institutions such as disaster control authorities, municipalities and independent towns and their control centres.

The Radebeul citizen app has all BIWAPP functions integrated for you. You can subscribe to the alerts in the push notifications section.

Natural disasters - think about your own precautions!

Natural disasters, some of which cause severe damage, have increased in recent years. The federal and state governments have provided hundreds of millions of euros to help private homeowners repair the damage.

As the introduction of nationwide compulsory insurance is currently failing due to constitutional constraints, the minister presidents of the federal states have agreed on a package of measures to increase the spread of natural hazard insurance.

Former Saxon Minister President Stanislaw Tillich appeals to people to take personal responsibility: "The Free State of Saxony has invested heavily in technical flood protection in the past and will continue to do so. This is no substitute for personal precautions. It is becoming increasingly important, because even with these measures, there will be no 100 per cent protection."

In addition to homeowners' and contents insurance, natural hazard insurance is an effective form of protection.

The Saxon website www.naturgefahren.sachsen.de provides information on precautionary measures.