332 Results were found
Turntable ladder vehicle on its way to the Ukrainian twin city of Obukhiv
This morning, the Ukrainian firefighters started their return journey to Obukhiv with a turntable ladder vehicle.
Exhibition opening and commemoration of the Reichspogromnacht
On 9 November there are various ways to commemorate the Reichspogromnacht on 9 November 1938.
Shortened opening hours of the housing benefit office on 17.11.22
The housing benefit office is only open until 3 pm on 17 November.
Accessibility of the observatory
Despite illness, the events will take place on 23/24.12. and 30/31.12.22
Submission SR 67/21-19/24 not resolved
The resolution of the submission SR 67/21-19/24 was incorrectly printed in the current Official Journal.
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