Amtsblatt und Radebeuler Bürger-App

Public participation in the draft of the revised woodland protection statutes of the large district town of Radebeul


By resolution SR 34/21-19/24 of the city council of 21 July 2021, the draft of the revised tree protection statutes was approved for display. Due to the recently enacted amendment to the Saxon Nature Conservation Act (SächsNatSchG), Radebeul's tree protection statutes, which have been in force since 2011, will be amended.
The key points include the protection of all trees from a trunk circumference of 60 cm (at a trunk height of 100 cm), no differentiation between developed and undeveloped properties, the new regulation on the obligation for compensatory planting, liability for legal successors and a paragraph adjustment.
as well as a revision of the overarching legal basis.
The revised draft statutes will be available for public inspection from 6 September 2021 to 1 October 2021 at the Radebeul municipal administration, Technical Town Hall, entrance area, Pestalozzistraße 8, 01445
Radebeul open to the public. During the exhibition period, comments and suggestions can be submitted in writing to the city administration, preferably by e-mail at
If you have any questions during this period, please contact Mrs Osang from the City Green Department (Tel. 0351 8311-912).

You will also find the draft on the website of the city of Radebeul as a PDF:

Comparison of woodland protection statutes

Mrs Osang,
Department of Urban Greenery, Town Planning Office