Kasperiade 2
Karl May Fest 1

550 years of Nicolaus Copernicus and the Copernican revolution

Born in 1473 in Thorn, the astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus from Warmia is regarded as the revolutionary of the world view par excellence. Kant, Goethe, Nietzsche and Freud all praised the epochal upheaval in the way we think. But what is the astronomical core of the transition from the geocentric view of the world with the earth at the centre to the heliocentric view with the planets orbiting the sun? What exactly bothered Copernicus about the Ptolemaic world view of antiquity? Why was he unable to prove his world system and what were the arguments for and against? The lecture discusses the Copernican revolution with the observations and models in their historical context and makes visible what role the Frauenburg astronomer played between the Middle Ages and the modern era and what his achievement was for the Copernican revolution.

Speaker: Pierre Leich

Pierre Leich President Simon Marius Gesellschaft e.V., www.simag-ev.de Curator

Astronomische Gesellschaft i.d. Metropolregion Nürnberg e.V., https://www.agn-ev.org

1st Chairman ART & Friedrich e.V., www.art-und-friedrich.de

20 years project management of the Long Night of Science N-FÜ-ER, www.nacht-der-wissenschaften.de Editor of Marius-Portal, www.simon-marius.net

Admission price: Adults € 8.00 Reduced: € 5.00
Children up to the age of 18, pupils, trainees, students and severely disabled persons are entitled to a discount.

Calendar entry


Saturday, 21.09.: 20:00


Sternwarte und Planetarium Radebeul,
Auf den Ebenbergen 10a
01445 Radebeul


Sternwarte und Planetarium Radebeul

Auf den Ebenbergen 10a

01445 Radebeul

+49 351 8305905

+49 351 8305906
