Club promotion

Verein 1
Verein 2
Verein 3

Association funding

Applications for funding can be submitted to the relevant authorities:
Here is a brief summary on the subject of subsidy applications:

  • Applications for funding must generally be submitted by 30 November of the previous year of the requested funding.
  • The basic annual grant will be increased from €300.00 to €350.00 in 2023. The prerequisite for this is that no further funding is provided. To apply, please submit the current extract from the register of associations and the non-profit status certificate from the tax office as well as your bank details. It is not necessary to provide evidence in the form of a proof of utilisation.
  • The application form must be submitted for all other grants over and above the basic grant. As before, proof of use must generally be provided by 31 March of the following year.
  • Grants for project funding may also be authorised for longer-term projects.

Partnership for Democracy

The projects serve to strengthen democracy in society, shape diversity and prevent extremism. The focus is on children and young people and all citizens of the participating towns and municipalities.

Projects that can be funded include Educational, knowledge, creative or media projects; music workshops or cultural events; (re)activation projects to strengthen the life of associations and/or to appreciate voluntary work in associations and initiatives, festivals to attract new association members; leisure, meeting and exchange meetings of youth associations, intercultural education and encounter projects, but also participation projects for children in daycare centres and after-school care centres.

The applicant must be a non-profit organisation.

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