Reorganisation concept

Wohnen am Weinberg
Sanierungsgebiet West
Sanierungsgebiet Ost

Reorganisation concept "Centre Radebeul-West"

The reorganisation concept is a medium to long-term urban development framework plan. It conceptually implements the guiding principle and the redevelopment objectives through textual and cartographic representations. The redevelopment concept shows how the urban development model and the development goals for the redevelopment area could be realised in terms of space and design. This is a conceptual illustration to clarify the objectives. The possible new buildings shown do not correspond to any specific building projects. They are to be understood as principle representations from today's point of view, which are to be reviewed in the course of concrete project development and can be flexibly adapted. The framework plan serves the city council and the administration as a guideline for further development in the redevelopment area.

Seven priority measures were defined to realise the objectives formulated in the redevelopment concept:

Priority measure 1: Retail and service centre Bahnhofstraße/Meißner Straße

  • Ensuring urban qualities in the centre
  • Optimisation of shopping and quality of life
  • Reduction of vacancies

Priority measure 2: Railway station site

  • Renovation and revitalisation of the former station building
  • Redesign of the station forecourt
  • Upgrading the open spaces on the railway premises by creating public car parks and green areas

Priority measure 3: Kötzschenbroda school site - primary school/after-school care centre

  • Renovation of the two existing school buildings
  • Upgrading and expansion of the open spaces
  • Restructuring of the school site in accordance with the school development plan
  • Improvement of the playground facilities in Radebeul-West

Priority measure 4: "Alte Post"

  • Revitalisation of the "Alte Post" by establishing a music school
  • Strengthening the centre through the establishment of retail facilities

Priority measure 5: School location Kötzschenbroda - secondary school

  • New construction of a needs-orientated secondary school
  • Design of the outdoor facilities
  • Restructuring of the school site in accordance with the school development plan

Priority measure 6: Modernisation and renovation of private buildings

  • Modernisation and repair measures for the reuse of properties with vacant, unused or underused buildings
  • Energy-efficient modernisation of buildings
  • Upgrading the residential environment

Priority measure 7: Transport development

  • Improving transport accessibility for all types of mobility

Contact us

Sachbereich Stadtsanierung
Frau Schöniger
Pestalozzistraße 8
01445 Radebeul
0351 8311-953