Terrace extension or patio cover

Stadtansicht 1

ExtensionPatio or patio cover

Terraces can be added at ground level to existing residential buildings in interior locations without the need for planning permission.

The following key data apply to patio roofs to differentiate whether this is possible without authorisation or not:

Type of construction

Key data

Applicable regulations

exempt from procedure

Area up to 30 square metres, depth up to 3 metres

§ Section 61(1)(1g) SächsBO*

subject to planning permission

more than 30 square metres floor area or depth more than 3 metres

§§ 63 ff.** SächsBO*

* SächsBO = Sächsische Bauordnung, **ff. = this and the following paragraphs are applicable

Note: Please also note the information on procedural freedom.

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