Sternwarte Radebeul

© Sternwarte Radebeul

Laura's search for the Star of Bethlehem

Event for primary schools

Our story is about the girl Laura and her beloved cat Philemon. Children love to ask questions, and Laura is no exception. She is particularly interested in what the Star of Bethlehem is all about. Children, do you know the story of the Star of Bethlehem?

What was so different about this star? Does it still exist today? Transport yourself to the country where the story takes place and get to know some of the historical figures of the time. Grandfather Paul reads the story of the Star of Bethlehem from the Bible by the cosy open fire. Later, while searching for Philemon the cat, Laura comes across her astronomy teacher Dr Stern.

She listens enthusiastically to his explanations about comets and other special celestial phenomena. In our planetarium you will also get to know the winter starry sky.

Age recommendation: from 8 years
Duration of event: 60 min

Pupils/children €3.00
Adults €3.50
Free admission for one accompanying person per group/class
Minimum price 45,-€