Save the date: 21. und 22. Juni 2025

"The salt princess"

© PR Theatermanufaqktur Dresden

"The salt princess"

Puppet theatre based on a Slovakian folk tale and motifs from the Brothers Grimm

You want to bake a big sponge cake for a birthday party, but there's a whistling and rumbling in the kitchen cupboard!

In the right-hand side of the cupboard, King Kohledampf announces that the daughter who loves him the most will be his successor. The youngest princess, Rosalie, unexpectedly replies that she loves him as much as salt. But for the king, gold and silver are worth much more than ordinary salt. The king is so annoyed with Rosalie that he banishes her from the kingdom of Service.

But who lives in the other half of the cupboard? The King of Salt, who in turn is annoyed that his son Fabién has fallen in love with Rosalie. In his eyes, the people from Service mock the inhabitants of the salt kingdom and disregard the true treasures - such as water and salt. Fabién and Rosalie want to hide away and live together. Then the Salt King enchants Fabién into a pillar of salt and Rosalie sets herself three tests to prove her true love for Fabién.

Will Rosalie manage to redeem Fabién? Will she then forgive her father and return to him? Will the two kings get along and will peace finally return to the kitchen cupboard?

The fairy tale shows that it is better not to argue, but to look for solutions and mutual understanding. And it tells of how quickly we forget the seemingly small things and their values in our comfortable everyday lives.

Play: Bianka Heuser

Director: Jörg Bretschneider - Set: Matthias Hänsel - Music: Andreas Wieczorek
