Day of urban development

Wohnen am Weinberg
Sanierungsgebiet West
Sanierungsgebiet Ost

Day of urban development on 13 May 2023

Broad response to the Day of Urban Development Promotion

The Urban Development Day took place on Saturday, 13 May 2023, when the new residential and commercial quarter on the former Glasinvest site was presented in Radebeul-Ost.

At 10.00 a.m., a large number of interested citizens gathered in the training room of the Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V., Meißner Straße 84b.

Mr Mehnert from the architecture firm aT2 from Radebeul, Dr Heinrich from the landscape architecture firm Dr Heinrich from Radebeul and Mr Kulbe from the architecture firm Planstudio Dresden gave an informative and entertaining explanation of the construction project between Haupstraße and Freiligrathstraße from its beginnings to its completion. They and one of the investors, Mr Heil from Sächsische Wohnimmobilien GmbH in Dresden, then answered questions. The event concluded with a tour of the site.

Those present praised the lively dialogue, which provided interesting insights and background information. Many thanks to the investor, the speakers and Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V.