Karl May Museum

Restaurant im Sommer
Zitzschewig Fachwerkhäuser

Karl May Museum

Karl May is one of the most widely read German-language writers. His adventure novels have had a lasting impact on our image of the "Wild West". He lived and worked here in Radebeul, where he wrote his Winnetou books, among others.

In 1926, Karl May's widow acquired Patty Frank's collection of around 500 objects on the culture and way of life of the North American Indians. This laid the foundation for the plan to establish a museum, which had been under consideration since Karl May's death.

On 1 December 1928, a purely ethnological Native American exhibition was opened on the ground floor of the log cabin built on May's property.

This was followed in 1937 by a "Karl May Memorial Room".

In the GDR, the museum was renamed the "Indian Museum of the Karl May Foundation" in 1956, but was given back its original name "Karl May Museum" in 1984. In 1985, May's home, the Villa "Shatterhand", was also integrated into the museum with a permanent exhibition on Karl May's life and work. Today, with around 55,000 visitors, the museum is of great importance both regionally and nationally.

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Karl May Museum
Karl-May-Straße 5
01445 Radebeul
+49 351 837300
November to February
Tuesday to Sunday   10:00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
March to October
Tuesday to Sunday   09:00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.