First Mayor

Hinweisschild Stadtverwaltung

First Mayor

Dr Jörg Müller (non-party)

  • Born in 1963
  • His ancestors come from the part of Saxony that became part of Prussia in 1815 and Silesia on his father's side and from the Mark Brandenburg on his mother's side (Huguenot immigrants to the Uckermark and a noble family from Teltow and the surrounding area)
  • 1970-1982 School education with Abitur
  • 1983-1988 University studies in urban and regional planning with a degree in engineering
  • 1988-1992 Freelance work/ doctoral scholarship
  • 1993-1996 Research assistant at the Institute for Regional Development and Structural Planning at the Federal Ministry for Regional Planning, Building and Urban Development
  • 1995 Graduated as Diplom-Ingenieur in part-time university studies in architecture and admitted to the Chamber of Architects
  • 1996-2001 Deputy Head of the Building Department and Head of the Urban Development Department of the district town of Eberswalde in the district of Barnim
  • Since 1 April 2001 First Mayor and Head of the Urban Development and Building Division of the district town of Radebeul (elected on 4 October 2000 for seven years)
  • 1st re-election as First Mayor on 16 January 2008 for the next seven years (2nd term of office)
  • 2nd re-election as First Mayor on 21 January 2015 for the next seven years (3rd term of office)
  • 3. re-election as First Mayor on 9 February 2022 for the next seven years (4th term of office)
  • Erster Bürgermeister Dr. Jörg Müller

Urban Development and Building Division

>> Urban Development Office

>> Building Supervisory Office

>> Building Construction Office with the building construction and property management departments

>> Civil Engineering Department with the areas of road construction and urban greenery

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