Extension of Kötzschenbrodaer Straße between Südstraße and the city boundary

Spielplatz Apothekerpark
Meißner Straße
Speisesaal Lögy

Kötzschenbrodaer Straße between Südstraße and the Dresden city boundary

Kötzschenbrodaer Straße vor Baumaßnahme

Kötzschenbrodaer Straße nach Baumaßnahme

Reason and objective Fundamental repair of the traffic system including embankment and culvert structure as a measure from the reconstruction plan for flood damage repair in 2013, coordinated realisation with the media carriers, addition of footpaths
Planning IPRO consult GmbH, Dresden
Construction time July 2017 to April 2018
Construction work Teichmann Bau GmbH, Wilsdruff
Construction costs: approx. 951,000 €
Realisation with support from the Federal Republic of Germany and the Free State of Saxony from the 2013 reconstruction aid fund and a grant in accordance with the KStB guidelines

This construction project was co-financed by tax revenue on the basis of the budget approved by the members of the Saxon state parliament