Municipal energy and climate protection concept (2014)

Stadtansicht 4

Municipal energy and climate protection concept (2014)

The municipal energy and climate protection concept (KEKK) was adopted by the Radebeul City Council at a public meeting on 21 May 2014.
Prior to the adoption of the KEKK by the city council, the draft concept was presented to the general public for information and discussion as part of the public participation process from 17 March to 4 April 2014.

Background and objectives

By drawing up an energy and climate protection concept, the city of Radebeul is fulfilling its overall social responsibility for climate protection. In accordance with the German government's climate protection initiative and the climate protection programme of the Free State of Saxony, local authorities are called upon to draw up climate protection concepts, among other things.
With the development of an integrated municipal climate protection concept, the city of Radebeul is pursuing the goal of reducing energy consumption and thus CO2 pollution in the long term, conserving fossil energy resources and increasing energy efficiency. The measures defined in the municipal energy and climate protection concept are to be implemented step by step by the city or in co-operation with the relevant partners, depending on their priority.
The reason for drawing up the concept is the funding requirement that will apply from the 2013 programme year onwards that measures affecting energy supply and/or climate protection or energy efficiency must be embedded in a city-wide energy and climate protection concept. In future, this requirement will apply to all funding programmes of the EU, the federal government and the Free State of Saxony. The large district town of Radebeul also sees the development of a CECC as an additional opportunity to save considerable amounts of emissions and costs by further reducing energy consumption in municipal properties.

Current status of the climate protection concept

The energy and climate protection concept was developed by the engineering firm dieSTEGStadtentwicklung GmbH with the support of an energy team initiated by the city and consisting of representatives from the administration and local utility and housing companies.
On the basis of a well-founded analysis of the current situation and potential, a city-wide action plan for saving energy, using renewable energies and thus reducing CO2 emissions was developed. The recommendations for action lead to a catalogue of measures that can be implemented.

The concept includes the following steps, among others:

  • Preparation of a comprehensive analysis of the energy supply,
  • Preparation of an updatable energy and CO2 balance sheet,
  • Derivation of energy saving and CO2 reduction potentials
  • Compilation of possible concrete measures,
  • Involvement of various stakeholders and the public

The structure and content of the concept is based on the " guidelines for the development and implementation of municipal climate concepts", which were published by the German Institute of Urban Affairs (DifU) in 2011. The content and funding requirements of the Saxon Energy Agency (SAENA) and the funding guideline "Energy Efficiency and Climate Protection" (RL EuK/2007) are also observed.


The creation of the Radebeul Municipal Energy and Climate Protection Concept was funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Free State of Saxony.

Contact us

Amtsleitung: Herr Menger
Pestalozzistraße 8
01445 Radebeul
0351 8311-949