Amtsblatt und Radebeuler Bürger-App

Completion of the Jägerhofstrasse construction project


Today sees the opening to traffic of Jägerhofstraße between Dr.-Rudolf-Friedrichs-Straße and Jägerhofstraße 45. Following the laying of a new combined sewer and renewal of the TW pipeline by WAB R+C in 2022, road construction work began on 29 May 2023. The company EUROVIA Verkehrsbau GmbH - NL Dresden renewed the road, pavements and road drainage on the steep uphill section over a construction length of approx. 520 m. Due to a retaining wall still to be repaired, the road in the middle section was only rebuilt temporarily over a length of around 60 metres and the existing pavement to the east was restored.

Thanks to the commitment of the construction company, the project was completed almost on time. Traffic restrictions were extended by one week due to minor additional work and a connection order from the media provider.

The construction costs for the city of Radebeul totalled around € 820 thousand. In addition to the city's own funds, an allocation from the municipal budget for municipal road construction measures was utilised for the financing.