Voluntary public participation Fabrikstraße


The city council of Radebeul has commissioned preparatory planning for the expansion of Fabrikstraße in the section between Cossebauder Straße and Ziegeleiweg. The aim of the measure is to improve the accessibility of the commercial areas located on Fabrikstraße, to eliminate the existing restrictions on turning movements for heavy goods traffic at the junction with Cossebauder Straße and to improve road safety for pedestrians and cyclists in the planning section.

You can view the planning status, about which the Urban Development Committee was informed on 28 June 2022 under InfoSEA 09/22-19-24, as part of a public participation process in the period between 11 July and 26 August 2022 as a notice and explanation both in the foyer of the Technical Town Hall and in a display case in the relevant road section (Lößnitzbad access area).

We will be happy to receive your suggestions, comments, etc. on the planning, evaluate them and submit them to the Urban Development Committee for preliminary consultation and to the City Council for a final decision.

You can send your written comments by 31 August 2022 to the

Radebeul city council
Civil Engineering Office
Road construction department
Pestalozzistrasse 6
01445 Radebeul

or by email to


It should be noted that the structural realisation is dependent on securing financial resources in the municipal budget.

Thank you in advance for your interest and active participation.

Documents for public participation