Saxon steam navigation

Dampfschiffahrt 2
Dampfschiffahrt 3

Saxon steam navigation

With nine historic paddle steamers, the paddle steamer fleet of the Sächsische Dampfschiffahrt is the oldest and largest of its kind in the world. Between Diesbar-Seußlitz and Bad Schandau, the White Fleet travels a total of 80 kilometres along the Saxon Wine Route, the state capital of Dresden and Saxon Switzerland.

On its journey through the centre of the Saxon Wine Route, the steamer also docks in Radebeul. From May to October, you can admire the picturesque surroundings from Radebeul and Meissen to Diesbar-Seußlitz on board the historic paddle steamer and experience the impressive combination of scenic beauty, technical fascination and culinary delights.

Tip: After your boat trip, visit the historic old town of Meissen and then take the comfortable S-Bahn back to Radebeul. Tickets are available from the Radebeul Tourist Information Centre on Hauptstraße.