Krokofit 2

Funding handed over to Stadtbäder und Freizeitanlagen GmbH Radebeul for the "Am Weinberg" sports centre


  • Oberbürgermeister Bert Wendsche, die Geschäftsführer der sbf GmbH und Vertreter des RBC freuen sich über die Fördermittelzusage.

The surprise and joy was great and was written all over the faces of everyone involved. Thanks to the joint efforts and goodwill of the funding provider, the municipal Stadtbäder und Freizeitanlagen GmbH Radebeul (sbf GmbH for short), as the operator of the Weinbergstadion - the home sports venue of the Radebeuler Ballspiel-Club 1908 e.V. (RBC for short), can look forward to a whopping €210,841.95 in funding from the state's sports investment subsidy programme, provided by the Sächsische Aufbaubank SAB.

Mayor Bert Wendsche (non-party) commented: "We are delighted to receive this sum from the funding pot. We no longer expected this. Especially in these difficult times, it is an important sign that popular sport is not being forgotten and left to fend for itself. The clubs make an enormously important contribution to our society and are under extreme financial pressure due to the coronavirus pandemic. This important and urgently needed measure would not have been possible without this grant."

The funding will enable the construction of a container facility, which will serve as an extension to the RBC club building in Radebeul's Weinbergstadion. On the one hand, the extension is needed for storage, a lounge, kitchen and WC. On the other hand, 4 changing room containers and 2 sanitary containers with showers and toilets will be connected to the club building.

The landscape architecture firm Grohmann from Dresden has taken over the planning. The total cost of the project is approximately €501,800.00.

RBC President Arnold Wiersbinski explained at the handover: "This will significantly improve training conditions for our 26 adult, children's and youth teams. "

The Managing Directors of sbf GmbH, Michael Karlshaus and Titus Reime, added: " As one of the largest clubs in our city, the RBC is very active and does an outstanding job, especially in its work with children and young people. We are pleased that we can improve and support the training situation in this way."