Kasperiade 2
Karl May Fest 1

"My pictures are parables..." - Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (1880-1938)

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner moved with his parents from Aschaffenburg to Chemnitz at an early age. He studied architecture at the Technical University in Dresden and attended a private art school at the same time. In 1903-04 he met Kandinsky, Heckel and Schmidt-Rottluff, in 1905 he was a co-founder of the artists' group "Die Brücke", followed by meetings with Otto Mueller and Max Pechstein and in 1911 he moved to Berlin. It was here that he created his famous "Berlin Street Scenes", which today fetch top prices in the art trade. His voluntary enlistment in the army in 1915 ended in a mental breakdown, which led to years of treatment. Switzerland finally became his refuge from 1917, accompanied by his partner Erna Schilling, who, like the artist, eventually suffered from depression. The confiscation of 639 paintings by the National Socialists and the presentation of 32 paintings in the "Degenerate Art" exhibition in 1937 horrified E.L. Kirchner. On 15 June 1938, in complete despair, he committed suicide.

Calendar entry


Monday, 18.11.: 14:30


VHS Landkreis Meissen,
Sidonienstrasse 1a
01445 Radebeul


Volkshochschule Landkreis Meißen e.V.

0351 8304788
