Kasperiade 2
Karl May Fest 1

Frank Blohm (HG): "Geh doch rüber" - Reading and discussion with Marko Exner

1989 - 2024: 35 years since the fall of the Wall and the peaceful revolution

How did people feel before and during those days, how did they experience the weeks, months and years afterwards, on this side and on the other side of the (former) border? A wide variety of voices will be heard in order to bring that time (after -) to life
and to find their own place in this picture.

"Why don't you go across"
A collection of texts from East and West from the year 1986 and a retrospective of the same participants with the distance of 30 years.

The lecture series presents works and authors and offers the audience the usual opportunity to talk about them over a glass of wine in the cosy atmosphere of Gräfe's Wein & Fein.

For organisational reasons, please register exclusively via the VHS.

Calendar entry


Thursday, 29.08.: 18:00


Ladenlokal Gräfes Wein & Fein,
Hauptstr. 19
01445 Radebeul


Volkshochschule Landkreis Meißen e.V.

0351 8304788
