City history

Historische Ansicht

City history

Welcome to historical Radebeul!

We invite you to go on a journey through time, immerse yourself in the town's history and gather all kinds of interesting information.

Radebeul is wine, it is Karl May, it is the narrow-gauge railway. But the historical development reveals so much more. Its importance as a garden city, as a business centre, as a summer resort and spa town is evident. Art and culture have also always been celebrated.

Whether Eduard Bilz, Magdalene Kreßner or Gerhard Hauptmann, many important personalities are closely associated with this town.

Historically valuable, curious or historical snippets all find their place in the Histörchen. Radebeul plays a leading role, but cultural treasures, current zeitgeist or critical observations can also be discovered.

You will also find everything to do with family research and lists of names of personal documents on this page.

Stay curious!

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historische Siegel der Radebeuler Ursprungsgemeinden

Überblick des geschichtlichen Werdegangs von Radebeul